

Continue your journey toward freedom and formation with the NEW Biblical Series from Exodus.

What’s included?

Your formation continues every day of your life — beyond Exodus 90. The path to the Promised Land is a lifelong journey. Continue with your fraternity through the Biblical Series.


The Biblical Series

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No cold showers here, just a chance for you and your brothers to refresh, reflect, and feast after your long journey through Exodus 90.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Genesis 4-25″ sub_title=”35 Days” url=”″ url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”″ link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

Follow the posterity of Adam and Eve as you and your fraternity push each other to be more perfect in the everyday decisions of our lives.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Genesis 25-50″ sub_title=”33 Days” url=”″ url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”″ link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

Your fraternity will look closer at the second half of Genesis and encounter truths about family that will require a real-life response.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Joshua” sub_title=”42 Days” url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”” link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

In this exercise, you will be able to see the Israelite people and their struggle to stay faithful to the Lord. 

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Judges” sub_title=”28 Days” url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”” link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

This exercise discloses the danger of moral relativism through the book of Judges. 

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”1st Samuel” sub_title=”50 Days” url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”” link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

This exercise gives you the opportunity to start taking those necessary next steps in the spiritual life. Grab your brothers and let’s begin.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”2nd Samuel 1-12″ sub_title=”35 Days” url=”″ url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”″ link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

If you are starting to stagnate or get into a spiritual rut, this exercise has come at the right time.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”2nd Samuel 13-24″ sub_title=”35 Days” url=”″ url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”″ link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

This exercise is personal. It covers raw content in scripture, and it will challenge your spiritual paternity. 

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Ecclesiastes” sub_title=”42 Days” url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”” link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

The journey through the Biblical Series we have been taking has taught us not to revel in the things in this world.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Song of Songs” sub_title=”21 Days” url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”” link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

If you proceed, open your locked heart to the Lord and proceed.  You will likely see your relationship with the Lord in a very different (new) way than you do now.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”1st Kings” sub_title=”42 Days” url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”” link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

Who am I? Where am I going? How do I get there? These are the fundamental questions that humans have asked through the centuries. 

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”2nd Kings” sub_title=”35 Days” url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”” link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

How do you see God? How do you relate to him? Do you spend regular time in careful study of God?

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Jeremiah” sub_title=”49 Days” url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”” link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

Get ready: this will be an intellectually challenging journey, but one that is worth it.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Daniel” sub_title=”40 Days” url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”” link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

Have you heard of Daniel and the Lion’s Den? Have you read the Book of Daniel and allowed your life to be formed by it?

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Ezra & Nehemiah” sub_title=”35 Days” url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”” link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

What is virtue? What is morality? How do I live as someone who is no longer in exile?

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”1st Maccabees” sub_title=”50 Days” url=”” url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”” link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

This book reveals decisions to be made about how to negotiate with a world of potential allies and enemies, many of whom do not share the faith of Israel. 

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Luke 1-9″ sub_title=”35 Days” url=”″ url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”″ link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

This is a roadmap for all Christians: we are given an encounter with Christ and are expected to share that with others. 

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Luke 10-24″ sub_title=”40 Days” url=”″ url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”″ link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

You must learn from Christ himself not only how to have complete self-possession, but also how to fully lay down your life for your friends. 

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Acts 1-14″ sub_title=”42 Days” url=”″ url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”″ link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

This exercise looks at how Acts calls us as men to embrace the mission Jesus gave to his disciples, to live a life of the Spirit and boldly to proclaim the truth of the faith.

[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Acts 15-28″ sub_title=”35 Days” url=”″ url_new_window=”on” button_url_new_window=”1″ image=”” _builder_version=”4.13.1″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”″ link_option_url_new_window=”on” global_colors_info=”{}”]

This is an exercise that takes us from our time in intentional formation to a lifetime of intentional mission.


Is this just more of Exodus 90?

No. Exodus 90 is about growing in freedom through a challenging ninety-day period of purification. The Biblical Series is about ongoing, realistic, and helpful formation as men of faith each and every day. The ninety days of Exodus are only the beginning. We must continue our pursuit of Jesus Christ and put ourselves in a position to be transformed by him every day.

exodus 90 phone app
a man with an exodus 90 tshirt and his friend

Don’t fall back into

old habits. Instead,

keep growing in your faith.

go deeper into Scripture.

follow a clear road map.

remain accountable.

Continue your journey through the Bible with your brothers starting in Genesis and working your way through the book of Acts.

How it works.

man praying in a church

Bible Readings

You will journey through scripture starting with the Book of Genesis, and ending in Acts. Each morning you’ll have a passage from the Bible and a reflection to guide your silent prayer, similar to Exodus 90.

man in a cold shower

No cold showers

Don’t worry: you’re done with cold showers. The disciplines included in the Biblical Series is about helping you maintain the progress you made with Exodus 90, but in a sustainable way.

four men with exodus 90 t shirts

Continued Fraternity

Your fraternity will remain committed to each other, and to meeting regularly (though it need not be once per week). Work with your fraternity to find the right balance for a continued meeting structure.