Commit to Time with Your Wife

The most important things require regular commitment. Think of prayer. We need set times and practices to grow in our relationship with God. Without a clear commitment, there are too many other things that creep in.

The most important things require regular commitment. Think of prayer. We need set times and practices to grow in our relationship with God. Without a clear commitment, there are too many other things that creep in. 

We might all say that we need to prioritize time with our wives, but if we don’t actually commit to set times we might find that we aren’t growing in our relationship. Here are a few important ways we can stick to that commitment.

First, we need to pray together every day. Servant of God Fr. Patrick Peton said that “the family that prays together stays together.” Regular prayer roots a couple in what matters most. Marriage is meant to lead to our sanctification and, therefore, we need to seek God together and grow in love together through our shared love of God. Consider reading the Bible together, praying the rosary, or even doing short prayers in the morning or evening. 

Carving out some technology free time will also help. An hour or two before bed would be ideal to create time to talk and pray. It is sad to see couples sitting side by side and both locked into their devices. This crowds out the priority of the person. 

Scheduling a regular date night shows the priority of spending time together and leaving other distractions behind. It doesn’t have to be a fancy dinner, as even a cup of coffee provides an opportunity for conversation. 

Finally, finding a common hobby provides a common focus. This could be hiking, a sport, projects around the house, gardening, reading out loud together, among many other things. Friendship grows through shared interests and this may only come through effort and building interest in new things. It will be worth it, though, for the investment in one another. 

A  healthy and strong marriage requires effort and a rootedness in God’s grace. Committing to time together will pay dividends in building a stronger relationship. 

Dr. Staudt holds a Ph.D. in systematic theology from Ave Maria University and B.A. and M.A. in Catholic Studies from the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN). He serves as Director of Content for Exodus and as Visiting Associate Professor at the Augustine Institute in Denver. He was previously the Associate Superintendent for the Archdiocese of Denver. He has founded a Catholic school and served as a DRE in two parishes and as Director of Catholic Studies at the University of Mary. He is the author of How the Eucharist Can Save Civilization (TAN), Restoring Humanity: Essays on the Evangelization of Culture (Divine Providence Press) and The Beer Option: Brewing a Catholic Culture Yesterday & Today (Angelico Press). His editing experience includes six years as the managing editor of the journal Nova et Vetera and the books Renewing Catholic Schools: How to Regain a Catholic Vision in a Secular Age (Catholic Education Press) and The University and the Church: Don J. Briel’s Essays on Education (Cluny Media). 

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