It’s time to live different

Let me tell you about three men. Joseph's alarm blares at 5am. He tiptoes past his kids' bedrooms, sidestepping the creaking floorboards, hoping the house remains quiet. It's time for prayer.

Let me tell you about three men.

Joseph’s alarm blares at 5am. He tiptoes past his kids’ bedrooms, sidestepping the creaking floorboards, hoping the house remains quiet. It’s time for prayer.

Louis stands in the bathroom, head bowed, offering a small prayer before ice-cold water blasts his body. A simple, difficult discipline offered for his family and brothers each day.

Charles skips Friday happy hour for a holy hour with five men who are becoming his brothers. Together, they pray, hold each other accountable, encourage, and are encouraged.

What do these men have in common? The shortest answer is: they live different

At Exodus, we challenge men to live different by living the Christian life — one of prayer, acts of self-denial, and fraternity. This is the life that Jesus Himself lived and modeled for us. 

If you desire this kind of life — a life of freedom and joy in Christ, then it’s time to live different. It’s time for Exodus 90. 

Exodus 90 is a ninety-day spiritual exercise that gives men the concrete roadmap of prayer, acts of self-denial, and fraternity, following the Israelites’ journey in the book of Exodus. 

You can preview Exodus 90 for free, see how it works, explore the prayer reflections, the disciplines, and more, by signing up here.

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