How Our Advent Challenge Works

Advent looks hopefully toward the greatest expression of God’s loving presence imaginable. The Son of God poured himself out for us, becoming a little babe in his great desire to draw as close to us as possible, taking on our nature with all the daily joys and sorrows that come with it. Each Christmas, he invites us to encounter him anew, as he comes again to renew our lives. The Advent season, therefore, invites us to draw close to him, journeying to Bethlehem in spirit and sharing Jesus’s loving presence with family and friends.


To guide our journey, each day of Advent we will read from the Prophet Isaiah, who so clearly speaks of the coming of the Messiah, born of a Virgin. The newborn king comes to bring peace, not by intervening from above, but by coming to abide in our hearts, making us men of peace who spread the Kingdom of God in the world. Because God became man, he has given us a hope that surpasses anything else in the world.


By taking the preparation of Advent seriously, we imitate Jesus’s radical presence and availability. All the interactions in the home and our festive gatherings can become a means of sharing God’s loving presence with others. The Christmas season continues to bring our country together in the pursuit of joy and peace. Even if many overlook the reason for the season, we can refocus our attention on the coming of Christ in hope.


Exodus 90’s Advent Challenge offers concrete ways to live out the Advent season.
  • Msgr. James Shea, President of the University of Mary, will serve as a spiritual guide, offering a series of reflections to inspire us to live as apostles in spreading the Kingdom, ready to face the challenges of our day with peace and joy. One of the most compelling Catholic speakers today, he will offer practical insights rooted in the power of Christ’s coming.
  • A daily Advent calendar will help us to rediscover Advent and Christmas traditions rooted in our faith to overcome the consumerism and shallow entertainment that so often trivialize this beautiful season. We will discover the beautiful customs of feast days and explore the meaning of decorations, food, and prayers of the season.

Our disciplines will root us in an asceticism of hope, making clear steps to prepare for Christ’s coming and to share his loving presence with others. 


Advent Challenge Disciplines:
  • Read Advent Reading & Reflection – Read the daily scriptures from the Book of Isaiah for the season of Advent. The readings are your guide through this spiritual journey. Take time to let the word of God speak to you through these daily readings.
  • Pray the Angelus at 6am, Noon & 6pm – Prepare for the celebration of the Incarnation by meditating upon Mary’s “yes” to God by praying the Angelus three times per day. The Angelus contains a series of three statements, interspersed with Hail Marys, about the mystery of the Incarnation and Mary’s role within it.
  • 10 Minutes of Silence each Morning – Begin the day with 10 minutes of silent vigil, keeping watch for the coming of the Lord.
  • 10 Minutes of Silence each Night – End the day with 10 minutes of silent vigil, keeping watch for the coming of the Lord.
  • Be Uncommonly Present – God’s presence in the Manger is his ultimate gift to us. And this we pattern by making ourselves uncommonly present to our family and friends throughout this season. Give up anything that takes you away from your time with them.
  • Regular Fraternity Meeting – As holiday schedules allow, come together regularly as a fraternity to check in about their fidelity to their Plan of Life and pray together. Stay faithful to this commitment you made to your brothers. Do your part to make your fraternity a committed band of brothers.
  • Cold Shower Wednesday & Friday – On Wednesdays & Fridays, take a cold shower as an act of self-sacrifice. As you prepare to step into the water, intentionally pray that the grace of this sacrifice may make you more present to your family and friends.
  • No Meat Wednesday & Friday – Do not consume meat on Wednesdays or Fridays in honor of Christ’s betrayal and death on the cross during Holy Week. Look for other sources of protein such as beans, peanut butter, etc.
  • Celebrate the Sundays of Advent – Every Sunday is a Little Easter and should be observed with celebration and rest. In Advent, this celebration is one of joyful anticipation. As the O Antiphons state it so aptly: “Come, Root of Jesse, to set us free! Hasten now, and do not delay!”

    It is never too late to invite a man into your fraternity. As you start, there may be men who want to join, especially in the first few weeks of our December Challenge.

    🚀  After Our December Challenge

    Christmas celebrates God’s entrance into the world to save us from sin and the power of the devil. From our encounter with his incarnate presence, we are transformed and sent into the world on mission. But this requires stepping out of our frenetic activity to listen to his voice and to accept the challenge of his holy Word, renewing us from within.


    Like Moses at the Burning Bush, God calls us out of our complacency to face the problems of our oppression to modern pharaohs. Before facing those problems, however, we need a time of preparation, stopping to listen to the Word of God, strengthen fraternity, and gather up our courage.


    To do this, throughout the month of January, we will read about the call of the prophets and discern God’s invitation for us as we begin Exodus 90 on January 20th. We will post these intentions for prayer, lifting each other up in prayer and asking for God’s blessing on our journey to freedom.


    Fr. Jason Charron, a Ukrainian Catholic priest, and pastor of Holy Trinity Church near Pittsburg, will serve as our spiritual guide. He will offer us inspiration and encouragement as we set out on our spiritual battle for freedom. He regularly challenges men to step up and face the challenges of our culture and to be ready to sacrifice for the most important things in our lives.


    As we move from the celebration of Christmas to the beginning of Exodus 90, we have a privileged moment to prepare, getting our minds and hearts in order to embark on our own Exodus out of Egypt. Let us now break away from the Pharaohs and Idols that hold us back from becoming the man God created us to be.

    Christmas Season Disciplines:

    • Read Daily Reading & Reflection – As we prepare for the start of Exodus 90 on January 20th, we will meditate on the great mystery of Christ’s birth for us in the manger. The Incarnation changes everything–meeting Jesus face-to-face sets us forth on a mission. A mission to break free from our Pharaohs and live in the Uncommon Freedom for which we were made. 
    • 20 Minutes of Silent Prayer – In the silence, we hear the voice of God. In the quiet of our hearts, he makes known his will and plan for us. During Exodus 90, we will commit to one Holy Hour of silent prayer each day. Begin to take up the practice of silence, a little bit each day, to prepare.
    • Celebrate the Christmas Octave – Christmas doesn’t end on Christmas Day, but continues with 8 days of celebration. Each day, enter into the joyful celebration of this season.
    • Pray for Uncommon Freedom – Exodus 90 is a journey from slavery to uncommon freedom. God does not liberate his people for any ordinary freedom, the daily routine of just getting by and struggling under the weight of worldly ways. He visits his people in this bondage to sin to bring them to an uncommon way of life, one that is rooted in his own life and happiness. This is our goal and nothing less will satisfy us.
    • Invite Men to Exodus 90 – Each day, ask the Lord whom you should invite to make this journey with you. Come with an open mind and allow God to surprise you with the names he puts on your heart. Don’t say “no” on any man’s behalf. Exodus 90 has something to offer every man–make an invitation. If he says “no”, no worries, but don’t say “no” for him.
    • Discern your Why – Quo vadis? Where are you going? Begin Exodus 90 with a clear intention. Why have you come to this challenge? What do you hope to gain? Nearly all men who come to Exodus 90 are seeking a new level of freedom. They realize that they are not free to love and serve their families and God as they ought. Name the Pharaohs and Idols who hold you back from becoming the man God made you to be. 

    👉  Lastly:

    Our December and Christmas Challenges can be difficult, but do not be afraid. There’s no such thing as a perfect journey. 

    More than 100,000 Exodus men have come before you. And tens of thousands of men from all over the world are on the road right now, praying and sacrificing for you too.

    May we, united together in prayer and sacrifice, and after the pattern of Jesus Christ and our Fathers in the Faith, become the renewal that we seek in the Church and in the world.

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