man smiling

90 days to be a better man.

Is it time for your Exodus?

Are you tired of

staring at your screen?

wasting time on your phone?



binge-watching shows?


Tens of thousands of men have made an Exodus because they’re ready to live different. They want to grow closer to God, to their spouse, their children, and their friends. And to become a more selfless man, living for others and not for himself.

Exodus 90 offers men in Indy a roadmap to a more fulfilling life.

Research shows that habits can be dramatically transformed in a span of 90 days. And, when put in the context of the Book of Exodus, a routine prayer life, and a fraternity of brothers to support you, men experience freedom from unwanted habits and an ability to be who they were truly called to be: Men in Christ. Men of the Church. Men for Others.

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It works.


of Exodus men experience a new freedom.

More than 60,000 men from around the world have journeyed through the Exodus with their brothers. Single men, married men, priests, bishops, Christians and non-Christians alike. They overwhelming tell us Exodus 90 has given them a level of freedom they did not have before.

“Exodus 90 is having a positive impact in the Archdiocese.

Archbishop Charles C. Thompson

Archdiocese of Indianapolis

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How it works

man praying in a church


How is your relationship with God? Are you consistent and honest in your time with Him? We must have a consistent and honest relationship with God if we desire peace in our lives. This is the first pillar of Exodus.

man in a cold shower


We can’t say “yes” to God until we have said “no” to the world and its comforts. With Exodus, you'll return to the Church’s ancient – and largely forgotten – tradition of asceticism (a fancy word for “acts of self-denial”).

four men with exodus 90 t shirts


You might have buddies with whom you can drink beer and watch sports. But, do you have true brothers? Men who genuinely know you and with whom you can be honest and vulnerable? This is the third, and vital, pillar of the Exodus life.

Free for 14 days

The first 14 days of the Exodus app are free. On Day 15, you can join Exodus+ for $90 / year or Exodus Basic for $10 / month. 

Men save $300 on average by joining Exodus membership. Scan here to download now:

Men save $300 on average by joining Exodus membership.

The first 14 days of the Exodus app are free. On Day 15, you can join Exodus+ for $90 / year or Exodus Basic for $10 / month.

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