Watch the SURPRISE Announcement!

We surprised the one millionth cold shower Exodus man, Pat O’Neill from Ireland! Watch his reaction!

Meet Pat O’Neill!

Meet the Exodus man who just logged the One Millionth Cold Shower!

Pat O’Neill from County Cork, Ireland has been married for 20 years (seen here with his bride!). He’s in his second round of Exodus 90 as we speak and has experienced a deeper relationship with the Lord in his journeys through the 90 days. Pat’s secret to a great Exodus 90? A strong fraternity and anchor to encourage him and hold him accountable. “I’m very weak,” he says. “I need help from the Lord and the fraternity brothers to keep going!”

Lent for Men starts Feb. 22nd!

Join thousands of men around the world for 40 days of deeper prayer, self-discipline, and true fraternity

Try something other than giving up chocolate this year. Men who have journeyed through this spiritual exercise have entered the Easter season with a renewed sense of identity in Christ — and became a better husband, father, brother and friend.


No cold showers, too!

Join the Waitlist for

Fall 2023

Location to be announced soon!

Be the first to hear details about the Freedom Summit!

Join Exodus men from around the world for 4 days of guided time to discern where the Lord is calling you to serve in His Kingdom with your newfound freedom in Christ.
