Who will you invite?
Who will your invite?
Proudly endorsed by The Catholic Talk Show
Men you know are ready to take on Exodus 90 this year.
They need you to invite them.
Men in your neighborhood are in desperate need of an Exodus. Not just 90 days, but a full-on period of freedom and formation to conform our lives onto Jesus Christ himself.
We’ve learned the key reason a man says ‘yes’ to Exodus 90 is a man they respect invited them.
Gain top insights from the Exodus team about how to invite men, how to respond to common objections, and so much more. You are the key to bringing more men into true freedom through Christ.
5 Steps to Invite
Exodus 90 isn’t ‘fun’. It’s a challenge. To help encourage your friends to join you, try these steps:
Name Names
The first step is asking God who you should invite. Who are the men in your life who would benefit from Exodus 90 this year? Start praying for those men by name, every day.
Pray + Fast
Pray and fast for the men you wrote down in step one. Offer cold showers for them. They need this 90 days. And they need you to help them get there. Do your part.
Make the Pitch
Send a link to Exodus90.com, our new 90-second video, or Fr. Mike’s Message to Catholic Men. Prime the pump. Get them intrigued. Don’t force an reply yet.
Be a witness
Men respond to a true witness. How are you showing your ability to be humble, generous, and disciplined. Show what happens to men by doing Exodus 90 by modeling it yourself.
Make the Ask
Be clear and direct, and if possible, eye-to-eye. The key to a personal invitation is in the term itself: personal. It’s not a mass text. It’s not a text at all. It’s a humble, face to face invitation to live different — to live better.
Resources for You
How To Invite
Want to get insights on the practicals of inviting men to join you? Here’s an in-depth look at best practices on building a band of brothers.
Responding to Common Objections
“I don’t know about those cold showers…” If only we had a dollar every time we’ve heard that. Gain some insights on how to respond to this an more here:
Send Out Our New 90-second Video
Send a text out with our new 90-second video to your friends and prime the pump with this inspiring take on why to take on Exodus 90.
Training Workshop for Fraternity Leaders
Watch Now!
The Exodus Fraternity Leader Virtual Training was created to serve Exodus men across the world, helping them to become more effective fraternity leaders. When men become better leaders, our communities change. This event will give your leaders more confidence and clarity in leading their brothers through the 90 days to Easter.
Free Digital Tools
Social Media Graphics
Use these graphics to promote Exodus 90 on your parish Facebook page, website, digital bulletin, and more.
Promo Videos
These viral videos have been seen by over 4 million men in the US and around the world. Use these to help spread the word about Exodus in your parish!
Share these funny takes on the Exodus 90 journey with men in your parish.
Bulletin Ads
This pack of versatile bulletin ads can help you share the benefits of Exodus 90 each week, leading up to the 2022 Exodus.