Join Us For St. Michael's Lent Today!
Exodus 90 is the #1 Freedom App to help you become the man you were created to be. St. Michael’s Lent offers us a summertime season of renewal and healing under the guidance of God’s heavenly angels. Join our Spiritual Guide, Fr. Carlos Martins, and thousands of Exodus men as we take up this ancient tradition of the Church that was practiced by St. Francis of Assisi. It’s not too late to join us for St. Michael’s Lent – Download the Exodus 90 App Today.
Have deeper conversations with God.
You’ll learn to pray every day, allowing you to be more honest with God. Not sure how? Don’t sweat it, we’ll show you.
Trade your distractions for peace.
Return to an ancient tradition of asceticism (an ancient word for “acts of self-denial”).
Go from bros to brothers.
Exodus provides you with an ancient roadmap to true brotherhood. Plus the new Community Tab allows you to start and find groups of fraternities near you.
You have built virtuous habits through Exodus 90, Lent, and Easter with Exodus 90. As we continue to build a Plan of Life through the Summer months, join us as we honor St. Michael the Archangel seeking victory and healing during St. Michael’s Lent.
What is St. Michael's Lent?
St. Michael serves as the guardian angel of the Church, the one who expelled Lucifer from heaven. To honor his role as our protector, a practice arose in the Middle Ages of imitating his angelic purity and power through 40 days of prayer and asceticism, starting on August 15 through the feast day of St. Michael, September 29.
Find a community
Hundreds of Exodus Communities are popping up all over the U.S.! Click the map to find a nearby community you can join today!
Since 2015, more than 100,000 men have found uncommon freedom.
Men who make an exodus report a greater level of freedom than they’ve ever experienced before. That’s bleach-level satisfaction rates, here.
Only 6% of Exodus men report a recurring issue with the overuse of their smartphone after completing Exodus 90.
Men in over 86 countries around the world have made an Exodus. In fact, we’ve translated the Exodus 90 text into multiple languages for 2024.
Daily Readings
You’ll read a passage from the Book of Exodus each day of Exodus 90.
Daily Check-ins
New Every Day
New readings and reflections auto-populate your home tab each day.
Audio Reflections
Listen to the day’s reflection on your way to work!
Find a Community near you!
Parishes, Newman Centers, Workplaces and other locations serve as a great way to find an Exodus community!
The Bulletin
Announce upcoming fraternity outings and more!
Share With the Community
The Fireside chat serves as a chance to share with the entire community.
Prayer Intentions
Need support? List your prayer intentions here for your brothers to pray with you.
Dark Screen Mode
Use dark screen mode to read the day’s reading and reflection
New Every Day
New readings and reflections auto-populate your home tab each day.
Listen on the App
Press ‘play’ and listen to the reading and reflection on your morning commute!
Lead your brothers to freedom
Equip yourself with the tools to lead a transformative Exodus 90 fraternity for your brothers — and watch what the Lord does with your ‘yes.’
Try free for 14 days
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$90 / year
($7.50 / mo)
14-day free trial
$10 / month
14-day free trial
Men save $300 on average by limiting non-essential spending. Scan here to download the app: