Prepare for Christ’s coming and share his Loving Presence with your family and friends.

Prepare your heart with the asceticism of hope for the coming of the Kingdom at Christmas. 

This spiritual exercise immerses men in a time of preparation for the coming of our Lord through a disciplined life of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity.

Advent starts on December 1st and ends on Christmas. You can check it out here.

During the 24 days

Below are the disciplines of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity that you will take up in this exercise.

What you’ll do during Advent:

    • 20 minutes of daily silent prayer; reading from the Book of Isaiah and reflections on the Exodus app
    • Fast and Abstain from Meat on Wednesday and Fridays
    • Cold Shower Wednesdays and Fridays 
    • Make a Weekly Holy Hour
    • Be Uncommonly Present to your family and friends

    What to Expect

    Advent is a time to grow in our longing and expectation for the fulfillment of all things and the definitive establishment of Jesus’s reign. He is coming soon, and we must be ready to greet him.


    Msgr. James Shea as our Spiritual Guide

    Msgr. Shea will be our spiritual guide this Advent season. Join him and thousands of others as we prepare for the coming of the Lord.

    Exodus 90 Advent Challenge

    It can be hard to know what to do during Advent. Lent has a clearer focus of praying and fasting with Jesus in the desert. Advent focuses on expectation and hope, but what should we expect during Advent? 

    Join more than 250,000 men on Exodus 90

    One simple plan with a 14-day free trial.
    Backed by our Apostolate Promise.

    No credit card required.


    per year

    Exodus 90 pays for itself and more! Men save $300 on average by limiting non-essential spending.

    Our Apostolate Promise

    Since we started in 2015, more than 99% of men report experiencing greater freedom with Exodus 90. If you do not experience greater freedom, we will return your money upon request.

    If you cannot afford the cost of a subscription at $90 per year, please contact a friendly member of our support team at We never want financial strain to keep a man from becoming an Exodus man.

    That’s our Apostolate Promise.