Prepare for Exodus 90
with a 7-Day Challenge

Cold Showers

Shower as often as you normally would, but each time you shower, the water should be cold. When we place the comfort of the hot shower in the place of a sacrificial, uncomfortable, cold shower, we choose to trade an opportunity to sacrifice for a fleeting personal comfort.

Give Up Alcohol

Abstain from alcohol. It’s pretty straightforward – don’t drink beer, wine, liquor, hard-seltzers. You get it. Instead, offer up this sacrifice for an intention such as your spouse, your children, or other people in your life.

Embrace Silence

Abstain from all noise within your control. Music at work, radio in the car, podcasts while on a run, television in down time. In place of the noise, embrace the silence and receive the room it makes for God to speak and for you to encounter both him and yourself.

Cut Out Snacks

Abstain from eating between meals. Eat your main meals as normal, but leave those snacks alone. Practice disciplining your appetite to strengthen your will. And as you wait for the next meal, remember what we’re really waiting for in the season of Advent. 

Power Down Media

Abstain from all forms of digital media: Social media, music, radio, podcasts, television, videos, audio books, etc. In place of the media, embrace the time and space you have just made for God to speak and for you to encounter him, yourself, and all the time you thought you didn’t have.

Should you lead a fraternity? 

You know the Lord wants more from you? Maybe he wants even more from you than you think.

Most Exodus fraternity leaders would have never labeled themselves as a “faith leader,” but as was the case with Moses, the Lord equips the called, he doesn’t always call the equipped.

Discern leadership with this 7-day challenge

    Our Apostolate Promise

    Since we started in 2015, more than 99% of men report experiencing greater freedom with Exodus 90. If you do not experience greater freedom yourself, we will give you all of your money back. Because it’s not about the money to us. It’s about the mission and our passion for serving men like you.

    If you or any man you know cannot afford the cost of a subscription, please reach out to a friendly member of our support team at and we will cover the cost. We’ve always operated this way because we never want money to keep a man from becoming an Exodus man.

    That’s our Apostolate Promise.