The world tells us that freedom is doing whatever you want, whenever you want, with whomever you want: to do your own will.

Join the JBP Community on the Exodus App

Men, if you’re tired of being held back by the comforts and distractions of our time and desire to grow closer to God, Exodus 90 is the path you’ve been searching for.

Join more than 250,000 men from all around the world who have experienced true freedom. Take the first step and Download the Exodus 90 App Today.

The Lent Challenge with Exodus 90 Starts March 5, 2025 Learn more


stories of freedom

Over 250,000 men have embarked on this life-changing journey. Now it’s your turn!

It’s Easy to Get Started

Get free access to all content and features for 14 days. No credit card required, no surprise charges!

Listen to today’s reflection
Invite a few friends to your fraternity

Freedom Is Not Just for 90 Days

We offer daily personal formation for men to keep your journey going year-round following the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church.

Advent Challenge:

We will enter into this sacred season of anticipation at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ this Christmas. Follow along with our Spiritual Guide, Msgr. James Shea, as we read from the Book of Isaiah.

Christmas Challenge:

Christmas celebrates God’s entrance into the world to save us from sin and the power of the devil. Being transformed requires stepping out of our frenetic activity. Join Fr. Jason Charron as we prepare for Exodus 90.

Exodus 90 Challenge:

Exodus 90 is a 90-day Challenge leading up to Easter Sunday. Break free from the Pharaohs and Idols that hold you back from becoming the man you were created to be. Exodus 90 starts January 20, 2025!

Build a plan of life ordered towards living as sons and heirs of God the Father. Experience the gift of feastings with family and friends during the Easter season.

Since we started in 2015, more than 99% of men report experiencing greater freedom with Exodus 90. Now it’s your turn.

A Simple Structure for Daily Growth

If we are not intentional, we will gradually conform to the ways of the world.

But, we who have been called into faith in Jesus Christ, have been called to so much more. We must break from the world to embrace the freedom of the sons of God for those we have been called to love.

With the Exodus 90 app, you’ll follow a simple structure grounded in the traditions of the Catholic Faith that keeps you focused, committed, and accountable to personal growth every day. Here’s how it works:

Fasting & Feasting

The Church offers us an ancient cycle of fasting and feasting throughout the year. During Exodus 90, Lent, St. Michael’s Lent, and Advent–we fast. During Christmas and Easter 50–we celebrate.

Every month, we offer new Challenges with intentional selections from the Bible, reflections crafted for modern men, and a plan of life designed to help you grow in your faith year-round.

Every day of the year, we’ll read together a passage from Sacred Scripture and reflect on what it means for us in our vocations as husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers. The daily reflections support the beginning of your silent prayer time each day.

Each week, we offer conversations with Spiritual Guides, trusted voices in the Church who walk shoulder-to-shoulder with us throughout the Challenge. You can submit your questions for our Spiritual Guides to respond to.

All our Seasonal and Monthly Challenges flow from ancient traditions of the Catholic Church. And each has a unique character, replete with its own customs and devotions. We offer Prayer Experiences to help you enter more deeply into the theme of each Challenge.

You can customize your plan of life to focus on areas that you want to grow.

Every week we publish a new meeting guide, which helps to structure your fraternity meeting conversations and situates them in the Challenge’s themes of spiritual growth.

Let your brothers know how the Lord has worked in your life today, and send and receive support and prayer requests from your fraternity.

Send and receive encrypted group and direct messages to the men in your fraternity. We never read, sell, or share your messages. That’s our Catholic, Small-Tech promise.

Reflect upon your day with personal notes.

Get connected to Exodus men near you. Share your location and you will discover communities that have formed at local parishes and other spaces.

Can’t find a fraternity? While the Exodus Experience is best in local community, you can find other men looking for remote fraternities in the app’s Fraternity Finder.

Daily Readings

You’ll read a passage from the Book of Exodus each day of Exodus 90.

Daily Check-ins

Let your fraternity know how you’re doing day-to-day.

New Every Day

New readings and reflections auto-populate your home tab each day.

Audio Reflections

Listen to the day’s reflection on your way to work!

Find a Community near you!

Parishes, Newman Centers, Workplaces and other locations serve as a great way to find an Exodus community!

The Bulletin

Announce upcoming fraternity outings and more!

Share With the Community

The Fireside chat serves as a chance to share with the entire community.

Prayer Intentions

Need support? List your prayer intentions here for your brothers to pray with you.

Dark Screen Mode

Use dark screen mode to read the day’s reading and reflection

New Every Day

New readings and reflections auto-populate your home tab each day.

Listen on the App

Press ‘play’ and listen to the reading and reflection on your morning commute!


99% of men of men report experiencing greater freedom and as many report a positive impact upon their faith life.


Men save $300 on average by limiting non-essential spending, and many hours per day by limiting their distractions.


Exodus 90 is designed for local fraternities of 4-6 men. And we have Exodus fraternities in more than 80 countries around the world.

Trusted by Leaders in the Church

“From a superficial understanding I initially approached Exodus 90 with some skepticism, thinking it was just a spiritual way of muscling up for Lent and competing with other men. What I discovered was a robust formation program with clear challenges for prayer and ascetical practices, but balanced with excellent teaching and the necessary support of brotherhood. Furthermore, the excellent team at Exodus 90 not only serves us a program for Lent, but also provides programs that keep us growing throughout the whole Church year. Exodus 90 is for beginners and for experts; I am pleased to say it has helped me and many of my brother monks to grow in our closeness to Christ and each other. I cannot recommend a better approach for men to journey together to become more like Christ.”

Benedictine Monk, Director of Spiritual Formation at St. Vincent’s Seminary, and Director of the Institute of Ministry Formation

“An old African proverb says: “If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.”  As both a clinical psychologist and a Catholic man who has done Exodus 90, I know that this is an experience for men who are serious about working on their integrated personal formation together, in community, as companions on the journey.  Exodus 90 aids men in empowering each other to bring the human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral domains of personal formation together in an integrated way — not just in their minds, but in their hearts, to go far together.  Exodus is a fellow pioneer in the personal formation space, grounded in a Catholic understanding of the human person.  Highly recommended.”

Clinical Psychologist, Founder of Souls & Hearts, Host of Interior Integration for Catholics

“Every one of us must go through the Exodus experience to leave behind the slavery of Egypt, and to encounter God in the silence of the wilderness. I am encouraged by the work of Exodus 90 in helping men throughout the world to do this through daily prayer, acts of asceticism, and Christian brotherhood. I pray the apostolate continues to grow!”

Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

“For several years I have witnessed the beneficial impact of Exodus 90 on the lives of many men. The summons to be ‘uncommonly free’ is an urgent and attractive one at a time when many are conscious of being subject to some sort of servitude. Exodus 90 is an evangelising tool that can enable us to experience what it means to live in Christ and so to be life-giving. I recommend it warmly.”

Trappist Monk & Bishop of Trondheim

“Exodus 90 is a powerful spiritual exercise that has helped many men, young and old, to achieve a greater interior freedom.  In a life that is chock-full of distractions and temptations, Exodus 90 is a means of growing in the holiness and freedom offered to us in Christ.  It employs the time-tested Catholic disciplines of asceticism and prayer in the context of fraternity, and I am pleased to endorse this as something men should consider.”

Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Chair of the USCCB’s Committee on Religious Liberty

“Make the journey from slavery to freedom with Exodus 90”

Host of Bible in a Year & Catechism in a Year, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth & Chaplain for the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota-Duluth

“The most enjoyable part of Exodus 90 was meeting with men intentionally, every week.

Exodus 90 offers a powerful take on the spiritual life for men today.”

Host & Creator of Pints w/ Aquinas

Hey man, thanks for reading this far.

I’m Jamie, founder and ceo at Exodus 90. I want you to know that I admire you for even considering something like this.

If you’re like most of us, it means that you don’t have it all together. And perhaps, your current way is not working out that great. But, even so, you have not given up or lost hope.

I honor you for that.

Your family and local community, the Church and the world need you, man. You know that.

Exodus 90 fraternities are one of the few places in the entire world where men like you can be honest: about who you are, what you’re struggling with, and how you believe the Lord is at work in your life.

I’ve got good news and bad news.

The bad news is that freedom is not easy. You can’t just download an app and press play. There’s no magic bullet or quick fix. Our Challenges don’t claim to be that.

The good news is that we were made to be free by our Good Father, and that it was for freedom that Jesus Christ set us free in the Holy Spirt. Through the time-tested Catholic traditions of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity, we can grow in the freedom of the sons of God. We’ve watched it happen tens of thousands of times over the past ten years.

I want to let you know that whether or not Exodus 90 is for you, and no matter where you’ve come from or where you are going:

You’re a good man.

Our passion is to help men to grow in freedom, so that together we can transform our world in the love of Jesus Christ.

If we can support your journey, it would be our privilege and honor. That’s why we exist. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at I’d love to hear from you. ✌️

Jamie Baxter
Founder & CEO

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Exodus 90, and how can it help me out?

Exodus 90 helps men grow in personal freedom. Through ancient Catholic practices of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity, we grow in our identity as sons of God, we receive the love of the Father more fully, and we seek to respond generously to his call for our lives. Over the past ten years, 99% of men report experiencing greater freedom, and a positive impact upon their practice of the faith. Exodus 90 is designed for men looking to set aside the comforts and distractions of our time, and to grow in the freedom of the sons of God.

It’s simple. Download the Exodus 90 app from the App Store or Google Play Store. Listen to today’s reflection. And invite a few friends to join you for the journey.

No, the Exodus 90 app offers daily formation for men. We follow the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, entering more fully into the ancient cycles of fasting and feasting offered to us by the Church. Immediately following Exodus 90, we begin Easter 50, which supports men in living in the joy of the Resurrection for the full 50 days of the Easter season. We support the personal formation of men every day of the year.

The fraternity is a sacred space for men. It’s a place to be honest about who you are, what you’re going through, and how you believe the Lord is working in your life. During Exodus 90, the fraternity meeting is one time per week and takes 30-60 minutes. We offer a weekly meeting guide on the app, which structures your weekly meeting with prayer, personal check-in’s, and announcements. In addition, each man is paired with an “anchor,” which is one man in the group he checks-in with briefly each day on the app. After Exodus 90, you decide with your fraternity how often you would like to meet together, but we encourage you to continue to journey together as you can.

Exodus 90 is best in-person in local fraternities of 4-6 men, either in your parish or local community.

Pray about who you should invite, and don’t say “no” for anyone. You’ll be surprised by who says yes to your invitation! If you still can’t find anyone, you can search for local communities near you in the Community tab of the app. Or, you can search for remote fraternities forming on the app to join other men remotely.

Exodus 90 is challenging, but it’s not too intense.

The experience opens us up to God, asking for the power of his grace, and also provides the support and encouragement of other men in our fraternities.

The world, the flesh, and the devil are powerful foes. And freedom is hard. Exodus 90 provides a structure to help us to become the men we were created to be for our time.

Don’t worry. There is no such thing as a perfect Exodus, and the path to the promised land is not a straight shot for anyone. The Israelites struggled in the desert, and so will we.

If you have pre-existing health conditions, or your job or stage of life make any of the disciplines unrealistic, that’s okay. Set them aside, and share that with the men of your fraternity.

Yes! Every Sunday and Solemnity, which are little Easters on which we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we relax disciplines in celebration. We encourage each man to relax one discipline that will make these holy days true celebrations.

It’s important to remember that it’s your Exodus, and not that of your your spouse or children. Though there are a few sacrifices to make on the journey, Exodus 90 is designed to bless your family.

  • During Exodus 90, there are a few additions we make to our schedules: 1. we seek to pray for an hour per day or at least 20 minutes when that’s not possible; 2. we meet with a fraternity one time per week for 30-60 minutes; and 3. we exercise three times per week. It’s on you to structure your day, but consider taking this time early in the morning or late at night, so that you don’t have to take any time away from your family. Though it may feel like you don’t have time for these practices, most men save considerable time (2-4 hours per day) by reducing their distractions.

  • On Wednesdays and Fridays, like the early Christians, we fast and abstain from meat. We provide a few recipes to help with meal inspiration on these days ( ). We encourage you to help with these meals, but if you forget about abstaining from meat on a given day, we encourage you to eat what’s before you and try again next time.

  • During Exodus 90, we abstain from unnecessary technology use including sports, movies, and entertainment. If your family watches TV together as a habit, offer an alternative that’s more personal like reading out loud, board games, or playing music. If that just won’t work, it’s fine to follow your family customs and watch tv together.

That’s understandable. It’s important to communicate what the experience entails with your spouse before beginning, and to have her support. Check-in with her throughout to see if there are adjustments you need to make for your family along the way. If you do not have the support of your spouse, for whatever reason, there’s no shame in setting Exodus 90 aside for now. The app can still support your daily personal formation.

Most men find that they save 2-4 hours per day by limiting their distractions. The men who take this time and reinvest it into their family relationships have the best outcomes.

You are most welcome to join us! We have many men who join from Orthodox Churches, and other Christian denominations. We also have a number of men who don’t practice a faith, but are seeking  the truth. You don’t need to be a Catholic to join us, but you must be at peace that we teach with conviction from the fullness of the Catholic faith for men today.

No, we are a Catholic apostolate for men. We recommend the following resources for women including, but not limited to: , , , and Well-Read Mom.

The Exodus 90 app is designed for men, 18+. We recommend the following resources, which are mentorship-based and designed for the formation of young men including, but not limited to: , Knights Templar , and the .

We offer one simple plan at $90 per year. It comes with a 14-day free trial, and is backed by . If you do not experience greater freedom from your experience of the Exodus 90 app, we will return all of your money back. Your subscription supports a small Catholic company based in the United States that strives to create a workplace grounded upon the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church. We do not sell ads, or monetize your data or private information in any way. As an Exodus man, you are part of our mission to be uncommonly free in Jesus Christ. We are honored and grateful to serve you and all Exodus men around the world every day.

No problem, the Exodus 90 app is backed by . If you cannot afford the cost of a subscription, we will cover your cost because we never want money to stand between a man from becoming an Exodus man. Simply reach out to a friendly member of our support team at

Join more than 250,000 men on Exodus 90

One simple plan with a 14-day free trial.
Backed by our Apostolate Promise.

No credit card required.


per year

Exodus 90 pays for itself and more! Men save $300 on average by limiting non-essential spending.

Exodus 90 2025: For Freedom Christ Set Us Free

Your life is not an accident. God has a plan specifically for you. God chose for you to live in this time, with the particular challenges and opportunities you face. He has arranged it so that we are born into our particular families and communities. He has brought us to this moment safely, even with all of the scars we have picked up along the way. His plan has led us through many difficulties and close calls. We all are born into the slavery of this world, and while our baptism sets us on the road to freedom, we must await the full unfolding of God’s plan for us, step by step as life goes on.

Our Apostolate Promise

Since we started in 2015, more than 99% of men report experiencing greater freedom with Exodus 90. If you do not experience greater freedom, we will return your money upon request.

If you cannot afford the cost of a subscription at $90 per year, please contact a friendly member of our support team at We never want financial strain to keep a man from becoming an Exodus man.

That’s our Apostolate Promise.