Before Exodus, I was waking up late on a Sunday, going to the nearest bar around noon. I was grabbing a drink, I was hanging out for the game, I was eating lunch. I was staying longer for the afternoon game. I was running to mass really quick at night, squeezing it in, then getting back home and watching more football. I was getting off to a horrible start for the next week and waking up late on that Monday and just not really being focused in the right ways.
I agreed to do Exodus for the first time because I felt stagnant. I was numb to any interaction with God. I was numb to a majority of interactions with friends, family, and significant other.
Exodus gave me the chance to see clearly and the chance to really understand God’s will for me and then take that on. The grace that I saw immediately coming to my life while doing Exodus was the response from God. I finally heard him. I wasn’t necessarily able to hear his voice – It wasn’t like we had a conversation every single day, but there were little nudges that I started to feel.
As I started to eliminate the numbness that was the world, that was these attachments, when I really was just bare and wide open, and now not only just open to God, but desiring God, I could really see the signals that He was placing in my life, and showing me, with a compass, what His will is for me.
The relationships that I had prior to Exodus 90 changed drastically during Exodus 90 in a few different ways. First off, the new guys that came into my life through Exodus are my main guys now. Those are my go to guys. What Exodus truly did for me was it gave me the opportunity, it gave me the blueprint to become who God always meant for me to be.
I just felt the calling. I heard about it and I said, that’s me. That’s who I want to become. I want to be the guy who’s able to look at alcohol and not touch it. I want to be the guy who goes to bed early. I want to be the guy who just pushes away food from the table and does not care and be attached to nothing saying I need nothing, because I have everything in Christ.
That’s what Exodus allowed me to do. When you know you’re just pushing through and going through the motions, you feel that Exodus gives you the chance to make strides, it gives you the chance to be held accountable and really move the needle forward in a short period of time.
You know, deep down in your heart, that you are supposed to do Exodus 90.
You can start Exodus 90 today: