Advice For The Homestretch of Exodus 90

You cannot fight for a kingdom You do not know and you cannot fight for a God that you do not talk to and have union with

What advice would you give to us Exodus men. So we’re trying to live a life based on prayer, status as a fraternity in terms of our growth in the Christian life. What advice would you have us for just making the most of these last two weeks of Lent?

I would say that, this, being passionate in life, the church, it’s a great compliment to the work that the Exodus 90 is doing.

I would say, take on those voluntary penances be true to the commitments that have been made, and yet realize that the battle is fought so that the grace can be received. So we fight vice, we fight in order to nurture virtue, cooperating with grace, but ultimately, we do all that so that then we can be sitting at the feet of the Lord And receive his love and mercy.

So I would say stay true to the commitments. Continue to practice asceticism and then you give that time to be with the Lord because you know we have to be careful because there’s men we want to fight, but then we don’t want to sit down, right? You cannot fight for a kingdom You do not know and you cannot fight for a God that you do not talk to and have union with, so if I do good fight, yes, but then make sure that you’re sitting at the feet of the Lord for whom you are fighting.

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