An Exorcist’s Thoughts on The Screwtape Letters

As a piece of writing, as a piece of art that conveys a point, I think it can be mightily useful

So you do have a take on The Screwtape Letters? Does he know what he’s talking about there or not? What do you think?

I think what C. S. Lewis did was something really useful. He used his imagination to get into the devil’s mind. And here’s a hypothesis, if you will, whereby I’m creating a dialogue between the devil and his demons or a higher demon and a lesser demon and I think it’s a really useful read to read it in that context it’s a work of art. It, is it historically true? No. C. S. Lewis made it up. This is a creation of it. But as a piece of writing, as a piece of art that conveys a point, I think it can be mightily useful and what C.S. Lewis is, what his genius has done is spelled out our innate weaknesses and how the devil could exploit these and how he does. Like that part was, it was enormously well done by C. S. Lewis.

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