Bishop Paprocki Joining Exodus for the Season of Advent

The Bishop of Springfield, Ill. — the Most. Rev. Thomas Paprocki — will be joining Exodus for the Season of Advent spiritual exercise, starting Sunday, December 3.

The Bishop of Springfield, Ill. — the Most. Rev. Thomas Paprocki — will be joining Exodus for the Season of Advent spiritual exercise, starting Sunday, December 3.

“Bishop Paprocki is known as a bold defender of the truth and the dignity of human life,” says Dr. R. Jared Staudt, the Director of Content at Exodus. “We are truly honored he will be offering his insights to us on how to make the most of the Advent season.”

The Season of Advent spiritual exercise is a 22-day journey through prayer, asceticism and fraternity. It will feature daily reflections on the Mass readings of the day, as well as penitential challenges to help men around the world become more intentional in their faith this season.

Bishop Paprocki will join Dr. Staudt for a weekly video series on how to prepare for Christmas. This video series will address how we should approach prayer and asceticism during Advent, what it means to foster expectation and hope for the coming of Christ, and how we can live different during this season.

The Season of Advent reflections will focus on Israel’s expectation of Christ and how they guide us to practice an asceticism of hope. We enter into this expectation as Christ is truly coming anew into our lives at Christmas. 

You can learn more about this upcoming spiritual exercise at

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