Freedom for Others: The True Purpose of Exodus 90

Exodus 90 provides a path to grow in personal freedom by cooperating with God’s grace.
Freedom for others

In a culture obsessed with freedom, the world often defines it as doing whatever we want, whenever we want, without interference. However, the Christian understanding of freedom is radically different. It is a gift with a purpose—one that calls us to live for others. St. Paul puts it beautifully:

“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1)

To fully embrace this gift, we must reflect on how desperately we need it and what holds us back from living as the men God calls us to be.

Recognizing What Enslaves Us

Freedom isn’t just about breaking free from sin—it’s about addressing everything that distracts or enslaves us. Pride, ambition, past wounds, fear, and even daily routines can weigh us down. Often, we’re unaware of how much these influences control us, as we turn to coping mechanisms that keep us from true joy and purpose.

Exodus 90 provides a path to grow in personal freedom by cooperating with God’s grace. This journey isn’t about freedom for its own sake; it’s about freedom that allows us to love more deeply and live more fully.

Freedom With Purpose: Living for Others

Exodus 90 frees us to be more present and available to others. For:

Single men: It’s a time to prepare intentionally for your future vocation as a husband and father.

Married men: The journey strengthens your vocation as a husband and father by redirecting focus to your family.

Seminarians and priests: It’s an opportunity to conform your heart more radically to the model of Jesus Christ, the Great High Priest.

Including Your Family in the Journey

For married men, your wife’s support is essential for a successful Exodus 90 journey. Communicating openly about the disciplines, weekly meetings, and daily prayer will ensure that the experience blesses your family rather than becoming a burden.

Acknowledge Challenges: Be honest about how Exodus 90 may affect family routines, and listen to your wife’s concerns with an open heart. Work together to find solutions that align with the spirit of the program.

Special Occasions: Birthdays, anniversaries, or other celebrations may require exceptions. Prioritize your family when needed and adapt the disciplines as appropriate.

No Shame in Pausing: If your spouse isn’t on board, consider postponing Exodus 90. The app can still help support your personal growth in the meantime.

Making Space for Service

Exodus 90 often reveals just how much time we waste on distractions. With newfound time, consider how you can bless others:

For Married Men: Reclaim date nights with your spouse or spend intentional, quality time with each of your children.

For Priests and Seminarians: Foster priestly fraternity and invest in your community.

For All Men: Commit to works of charity in your local area, giving back with the time and freedom Exodus 90 provides.

Freedom Rooted in Love

Exodus 90 is not just a journey of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity—it’s a call to grow in freedom for love. From the very beginning, keep those you are called to love at the forefront of your heart and mind. This focus will transform not only your life but the lives of those around you.

Are you ready to embrace freedom with purpose? Join the Exodus 90 journey today and discover what it truly means to live for others.

Start your journey toward freedom today.

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