Renewal of the Church Through 100,000 Men

Exodus 90, the viral Catholic men’s spiritual exercise, starts again for tens of thousands of men around the world on January 1, 2024.

Exodus 90, the viral Catholic men’s spiritual exercise, starts again for tens of thousands of men around the world on January 1, 2024. 

Since 2015, more than 100,000 men have taken up the Exodus journey to overcome attachments, addictions, and other distractions to a deeper unity with God — including bishops, priests, and laymen in various stages of life. 

“Exodus 90 is having a significant impact on men,” says Exodus spiritual advisor Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend. “After 90 days, men truly experience a greater freedom – I’ve seen it with my own eyes.” Rhoades provided the imprimatur for the program in 2019. 

“Exodus 90 was the most transformative experience of my life,” says Boston Celtics center Luke Kornet. “It was a slow unwinding of all the promises the world has offered me, replaced with the quiet and goodness of the Word and time with God.”

The now year-round formation app for men — focusing on the three pillars of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity — offers actionable readings, reflections, and a plan of life for each day of the year, ebbing and flowing with the Church calendar of feasting and fasting. Starting January 1, the 90 days is just the beginning of a new uncommon year of daily formation. 

“As the new year dawns, everyone looks forward to a fresh start, myself included!” says Jamie Baxter, the Founder & CEO of Exodus. “We all have ‘modern Pharaohs’ we are held back by and that keep us from intimacy with God and our loved ones — Alcohol. Pornography. Social media. Sports. Gambling. Overwork. Comparison. Achievement. Wealth. Legacy. And so many more. Exodus is helping men break free from our Pharaohs and Idols to find an uncommon freedom in Jesus Christ that many men didn’t know they were missing.”

Men seeking to overcome their own modern Pharaohs can download the Exodus 90 app here. Once they’ve created a free account, they will be invited to start a new fraternity and invite men they know who would benefit from a deeper freedom and a more honest relationship with the Lord. Men in need of finding a fraternity near them can now find one with the new Community app feature, which shows men nearby fraternities they can join.

“This is a game changer for men in need of community,” adds Doyle Baxter, the head of product at Exodus. “Finding true community and friendship is a real challenge for the modern man, and we’re helping to overcome that hurdle with this exciting new feature on the Exodus app!”

After eight years, Exodus has proven to be a leader in the Church when it comes to forming community for men.

“Exodus gave me my best friend,” says Matthew Heeder of Indiana. “The guy from my graduate program who invited me to join him for Exodus 90 quickly became a close friend during the 90 days, and though we don’t live near each other anymore, we still hold each other accountable and encourage each other in our commitment to prayer and the Sacraments.”

This year, the Exodus team is joined by Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB, as the spiritual guide for the 90-day journey. Fr. Boniface is a Benedictine monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Penn. — providing spiritual direction for many men for the past two decades. His new contribution to Exodus 90 will be a weekly conversation with Exodus director of content Dr. Jared Staudt, PhD. about helping Exodus men grow in true brotherhood through the art of accompaniment and greater unity with God.

Exodus is thriving in its presence in parishes across the U.S., on college campuses, Knights of Columbus councils, and within families all over the world. Men are invited to join Exodus for the ninety days leading up to Easter Sunday, which begins on January 1, and continues through all of 2024.

You can start Exodus 90 today:

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Join more than 250,000 men on Exodus 90

One simple plan with a 14-day free trial.
Backed by our Apostolate Promise.

No credit card required.


per year

Exodus 90 pays for itself and more! Men save $300 on average by limiting non-essential spending.

Our Apostolate Promise

Since we started in 2015, more than 99% of men report experiencing greater freedom with Exodus 90. If you do not experience greater freedom, we will return your money upon request.

If you cannot afford the cost of a subscription at $90 per year, please contact a friendly member of our support team at We never want financial strain to keep a man from becoming an Exodus man.

That’s our Apostolate Promise.