St. Michael’s Lent Starts August 15

St. Michael's Lent is an ancient tradition. Join men from around the world and Fr. Carlos Martins, Catholic priest and exorcist on August 15

St. Michael’s Lent offers us a summertime season of renewal under the guidance of God’s heavenly angels. Our daily reflections follow the Book of Tobit, an Israelite exiled in Ninevah in modern-day Iraq, who courageously engages in works of mercy and faithfully follows the Lord’s commands in a pagan culture. After he becomes blind, he sends his son, Tobias, on a journey with a guide, the Archangel Raphael in disguise. The angel directs the young man, keeping him safe from demonic attacks as he liberates his future bride and heals his father, bringing freedom and healing to his family through the power of God’s grace

The Book of Tobit invites us to enter into works of charity to express God’s love and mercy to others. This opens us up to greater healing, as God’s love pulls us out of ourselves, overcoming individualism and isolation. God desires to bring us to the fullness of life, healing us from the wounds that have arisen from our sins and broken relationships. He gives us the courage to love, breaking free from the weight of our wounds in order to enter into greater communion with God and others. The devil seeks to exploit our weaknesses, but God’s holy angels surround us with their protection and draw us into their own perfect praise around the throne of God.

This year St. Michael’s Lent offers a very special swath of disciplines.

  • Read the daily Reading & Reflection from the Book of Tobit
  • 30 Minutes of Silent Prayer each day
  • Make a Morning Offering when you wake up
  • Make a Nightly Examen before you go to sleep
  • Get a Full Night’s Sleep (8 hours)
  • Wake Up at the Same Time each day, including weekends
  • No Snoozing the Alarm Clock in the morning
  • No Social Media / News for the whole of St. Michael’s Lent
  • Check in with your Anchor each day
  • Fast on Wednesday & Friday
  • No Meat on Wednesday & Friday
  • Take a Cold Shower on Wednesday & Friday
  • Hold Vigil for 1 Hour at 2am Friday Morning
  • Weekly Fraternity Meeting
  • Make one Holy Hour each week
  • Celebrate the Lord’s Day on Sundays

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