Week 4 Action Items

1. Identify Idols in Your Life

Just because we are Christians does not mean there are no idols in our life. St. Paul, for instance, described covetousness as idolatry (Colossians 3:5).  If we become too attached to anything, allowing it to capture our minds and hearts, it can come to dominate over us. It takes the worship of our time, energy, and affection, blocking God from receiving his full due.

We follow the example of the Maccabees when we turn over these idols. If we knock money, sex, pleasure, and power down from their pedestal, God can be restored to the Temple of our bodies and souls. When we remain stuck in idolatry, allowing them to dominate us, we are not free.

Take time to pray specifically about any idols in your life.

Then smash them in prayer, turning your attention to God and asking him to make you free.

2. Who Else Needs to Join the Battle?

In Battles of Autumn, we are focusing on becoming a Christian leader. If you experience greater freedom in turning away from idols, it is only natural to help other men to do the same. We may feel intimidated about being a leader, but if we point anyone to greater freedom in Christ, then we are acting as a leader by pointing them in the right direction. A leader identifies the goal and helps others to reach it. It may be as simple as making an invitation or witnessing to what God has done in your life.

Pray about who you can invite to join your fraternity or who you can help to come to freedom in any way.

3. Embrace Spiritual Fatherhood

We are continuing our fireside chats on raising up boys to become Christian men.

Tune in through the app to hear from Jason Craig, author of *Leaving Boyhood Behind: Reclaiming Catholic Brotherhood*.

We will explore how community forms an essential part of formation and making faith into a way of life. 

Upcoming feast days: Halloween, All Saints, All Souls

Submit names for the All Souls novena.

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That’s our Apostolate Promise.