Why We Fast and How to Do It: A Guide for Christian Men

Learn why we fast, how it deepens your faith, and practical tips to integrate fasting into your journey with Exodus 90.
Why Christians Fast

Fasting has been an integral part of Christian life for centuries. Rooted in Scripture and tradition, fasting helps believers draw closer to God, make reparation for sins, and offer spiritual sacrifices. Whether during penitential seasons like Lent or on Fridays throughout the year, fasting is a practice with profound spiritual significance.

Let’s explore the why and how of fasting, with practical tips to help you integrate it into your journey, especially during Exodus 90.

Why Christians Fast

Fasting is a response to Jesus’ own words and example. In the Gospels, when asked why his disciples did not fast, Jesus explained:

“You cannot make wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them, can you? The days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days.”

Men, we are in those days.

In a world full of indulgence and comfort, fasting is a countercultural act that redirects our focus from earthly satisfactions to spiritual hunger for God. As holy men throughout history have noted, it’s harder to pray on a full stomach. Fasting empties us physically so we can be filled spiritually.

Jesus himself fasted for forty days and forty nights in the desert before beginning his ministry. By following his example, we open ourselves to God’s grace, breaking free from distractions and enabling deeper focus on our spiritual lives.

The Purpose of Fasting

Fasting is not about vanity or self-congratulation. As Jesus teaches, our fasting should be private and humble:

It’s not about the outward show: Avoid talking about your fast or seeking recognition.

It’s about love: Fasting is a tool for growing in love of God and neighbor. If you eat less or spend less on indulgences, consider using those savings to feed the hungry or help the poor.

Practical Tips for Fasting

Here’s how to make fasting more meaningful and manageable, especially during Exodus 90:

1. For Married Men

• Help your wife prepare meatless meals on Wednesdays and Fridays. Share the load by cooking or finding creative recipes.

• When mistakes happen (like forgetting it’s a fast day), respond with gratitude and humility. Use it as an opportunity to grow in communication and understanding.

2. Health Considerations

• If you have medical conditions, follow your doctor’s advice. Modify fasting as needed and communicate openly with your anchor and fraternity.

• Remember, fasting is not about losing weight. It’s about spiritual growth, so adjust your practices to fit your unique circumstances.

3. For Younger Men

• Exodus 90 is designed for men 18 and older. Younger participants should work with a parent or mentor to adapt fasting and disciplines to their stage of life.

Fasting as Part of the Exodus 90 Journey

During Exodus 90, fasting plays a key role in the spiritual exercises of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. It’s a powerful weapon in the Christian man’s arsenal, helping to cultivate personal freedom and a deeper connection with Christ.

As you fast:

• Keep your intention focused on God and those you love.

• Rely on the encouragement of your fraternity to persevere.

• Use the time and resources freed by fasting to serve others.

Keep Fasting Intentional

Fasting, when done with the right heart and purpose, has the power to transform lives. Throughout your Exodus 90 journey, make your fasts intentional, rooted in prayer, and aimed at loving God and neighbor.

Pray for your brothers on the journey, and let fasting lead you into greater personal freedom.

Start your journey today and discover the spiritual power of fasting.

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