When Is It Too Much Technology?

\What's the deal with those weird Apple goggle things - at what point Is it too much technology?


What’s the deal with those weird Apple goggle things at what point Is it too much technology?  

Oh man, this is such a good question. I remember a year and a half ago or so when they announced the, what are they called, the vision pros? And I was just like, whoa, like, are we really here?

Part of me was concerned, I guess, because, you know, obviously, Meta’s had their goggles out for years and years and years. Not to very much penetration in the market as far as I can tell. Apple never moves first, but when they do move, they typically move the simplest and the best. So I definitely started to wake up to the vision based or goggle based kind of technology.

Then I just think this is where my head is at – and Doyle and Jared feel free to jump in here –  it seems to me that what they’re after is more experience or experiential based, I guess . . . experiences, or like really getting into other people’s perspective as it relates to what can be seen.

And before I really kind of thought about it, I was just like, well, what’s wrong with a camera? You know, what’s wrong with this little device? Well, it’s like, it’s never from the perspective of the actual viewer, you’re recording something. And this is ultimately, I think, what they’re after is to actually get into the perspectives of people, of events that are happening, you know, in real time, or even in, you know, recording through film.  I guess my point is like, this is my kind of optimistic read of this.

It’s just like, okay, that’s very interesting, you know, and that is not the current view of any film.  Ever. I mean, even if you’re trying to get into first person kind of experiences, it’s very limited. So, you know, that was my one optimistic read, like, okay, you know, maybe this is really something and very interesting.

At the same time, I did find –  just to be direct about this – there is like a, you can turn off the screen in some sense so that they just kind of appear as goggles.  I found it to still be pretty bizarre. I know that some kids have these massive, like Viper glasses, which I also find bizarre, you know, sunglasses.

But I would just say, it’s like, yeah, you really look weird to me, you know, and so, you know, I think my question, or I think I’m asking the same question at what point is  it too much, you know, and I think as it relates personally to my own internal disposition, it’s like, I don’t have an iPad as an example, or I don’t, I never thought that that was helpful to me.

I’d rather write on a piece of paper if I want to write, you know, but obviously I have a laptop and a phone, and so I just think that at least for me and my own . . . I’m kind of watching this unfold. 

Well, I mentioned that there needs to be many more conversations on this topic here at Exodus. And, you know, one of the things that I would say if I was really concerned about something with technology, is the ways in which this will play a role in transhumanism, not just playing with genetics, but playing with genetics and these accompanying technological developments, which could interface with the brain and other parts of the body.

So that’s something that we really need to keep our eyes on moving forward. Yeah. I mean, and to that point, I mean, Neuralink was installed –  I suppose that’s the right verb –  in the first human. I think that was two weeks ago now. And so, yeah, I think to your point, Jamie, there’s, definitely like, there’s an optimistic greed and there’s a pessimistic greed, you know, pretty much on every technological development.

At the end of the day, it will ultimately come down to our decisions made individually through deliberation to use technology in a way that leads ourselves and others to the light of the gospel. I agree, Jared, that kind of staying, you know, very eyes wide open about the future of transhumanism as technologies continue to get better.

Then we start to get into a different territory. You know, it’s like all of our conversation about technology here to date has been grounded in an understanding of human nature as fundamentally communicative, fundamentally reasonable. And when we start to entertain the transformation of human nature away from, you know, a being endowed with reason created in the image and likeness of God to something else, something that’s in the image and likeness of man, so to speak.

I think that that’s ultimately where, yeah, at least the kind of the foundation of this conversation becomes one that’s totally different. And I think might be one of those lines you can draw on the sand about at what point is it too much technology.

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