The Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven

For Sunday, July 30th, 2023 Reading Jesus said to his disciples: โ€œThe kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like...
10 Gifts for Your Priest

10 Gifts for Your Priest

St. John Vianney is known as the patron of the parish priest. With his feast day quickly approaching (August 4th), it’s important to show the priests in our lives that we appreciate their sacrifice and service to the church. We’ve taken the time to ask a...
Meekness Served Hot

Meekness Served Hot

If youโ€™ve read any of my recent articles, youโ€™ve probably seen that my personal path to sainthood is directly tied to my three-year-old. To no surprise, the boy continues to sanctify me. The other day, my wife brought home sausages from a local farm. These were...
Chase Christ Crucified

Chase Christ Crucified

St. Michaelโ€™s Lent originated with St. Francis of Assisi, a man of many Lents. He mandated that all his friars observe two each year: the Great Lent that we all know and love, and the Lent of Christmas starting after the feast of All Saints. He also strongly...