by The Exodus Team | Dec 19, 2023 | Stories of Freedom, Testimonials, Videos
I was raised Catholic, but fell away from the church for a little while in college, and throughout most of my 20s. I came back when I was 29. I had fallen into a bunch of erratic patterns of behavior that really took a toll on my life. I was drinking too...
by The Exodus Team | Dec 19, 2023 | Stories of Freedom, Testimonials, Videos
I agreed to do Exodus the first time because I realized in myself, regardless of the kind of things that were intimidating about it, that I needed that in my life. I needed a more dedicated time of prayer. I needed to address some of these unhealthy attachments that...
by The Exodus Team | Dec 18, 2023 | Stories of Freedom, Testimonials, Videos
Before I did Exodus, I wasn’t living my faith how I knew I should be living my faith. I first heard about Exodus from a really good friend and an old college teammate. He said, “hey, I heard about this thing . . .” And he sent me a list of the disciplines. He...
by The Exodus Team | Dec 18, 2023 | Stories of Freedom, Testimonials, Videos
Before I did Exodus, I was living my faith but the level of depth that I had to my faith was not there. Learning about and starting Exodus was certainly my journey to having that close relationship with the Lord. I agreed to do Exodus because I was looking for some...
by The Exodus Team | Dec 18, 2023 | Stories of Freedom, Testimonials, Videos
Before Exodus, I thought that my life was in a good spot, which it was, but it was lacking in discipline. Doing Exodus the first time I was surprised to find out how weak I really was. Exodus humbled me. It helped me understand, in a good way, my weaknesses so...
by The Exodus Team | Dec 15, 2023 | Stories of Freedom, Testimonials, Videos
I’m a recent convert. I was baptized at the Easter Vigil in 2021 and started really exploring the Catholic faith in the summer of 2020. I’m sure you remember that was Kind of a tense time. And with everything that was going on, I wasn’t in the best...
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