God’s Plan vs Satan’s Plan

God’s Plan vs Satan’s Plan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjliQeg6e4w When evaluating life’s trials and adversities, how do we differentiate between God’s plan and the influence of the devil? And I think what this is laying out, are there two plans? God has a plan. The devil has a...
Should Children Choose Baptism?

Should Children Choose Baptism?

 And there was a question about baptism where you have a Catholic father and a Protestant mother. And the mother wants to delay baptism until later in life and let the child choose. What advice would you have in that case? Yeah. In that case, I would say absolutely...
Why We Must Venerate Mary

Why We Must Venerate Mary

https://youtu.be/0PzGJ-rdcj4  How do Christians reconcile the biblical commandment to worship and serve God alone with the practice of invoking and venerating Mary, the mother of Jesus, as an intercessor, and a model of faith? Yeah, that boy, thank you for that...
Why Do We Need Authority?

Why Do We Need Authority?

https://youtu.be/myDOI-2PhJE  What is your best elevator pitch for the need for and validity of the authority of the Catholic church? Oh my goodness. We could do this for a couple of hours, brother, but I will . . . let me put it this way. There’s so many ways...